If you are interested in a job at My Big Finds:

Thanks for inquiring. I employ only high school or nearby community college students.  Here are my requirements. 

  • I require students to work two shifts per week – one must be Monday-Friday and the other on either Saturday or Sunday. 

  • You should be available all year round, including during school holidays, including Thanksgiving, Christmas break, etc. Vacations can be accommodated with advance notice, but I can’t have someone who needs to take summers off, etc. 

  • If you do another activity/sport, you need to ensure you will be allowed to meet the time commitments of having a job too. I can be somewhat flexible but need the required minimum schedule to be met.  It takes too long to train staff to have short-term employees. I'd be delighted if you want to work more shifts than the minimum listed above.

  • It is also important to have a very outgoing personality & be a fast learner (particularly in using Google documents, math & marketing of items). 

If you think you can handle all the requirements above, please email me at jodi@mybigfinds.com, provide any pertinent information (resume not required) and indicate that you agree, and I will respond within one to two weeks.